COUNT DOOKU - Created BEFORE Hasbro's version


Episode 1 Palpatine  figure

Darth Maul Figure

Darth Maul lightsaber



This is the new character from Episode II "Attack of the Clones", Count Dooku. Described as a charismatic separatist, the Count is played by vetran actor, Christopher Lee. 

Very few images exist of this new character in the media as yet, and I am sure I will need to revise the custom once I have seen the movie next year. As it is, these few pictures, some which may be fan-generated (I am not sure of the one below) were the reference for this custom. The one to the right and the picture of Mr. Lee on the set confirm his black suit and boots. The cloak I took licence with. The two sabers have been seen in a few drawings and the photo below, but I cannot confirm these will prove to be true until next May. 

In the meantime, I hope you enjoy my "postulated" custom of this exciting new character!

This figure started out as an E1 Palpatine head, chest, pelvis and legs. The head required a severe re-sculpt, making it long and thin. New hair was sculpted on, as well as a beard. The arms are from Darth Maul, as well as Maul's saber cut in two.  As you can see, I disassembled the entire figure, painted it and then re-assembled it before sculpting the cloak on.