
Vintage Yoda figure and Gimer stick

Micromachine toys

Weapon accessories

Fake sparkle snow flakes



Here is the second Santa Yoda I have made, and one of the few customs I do not own. 

It all started when was honored to be one of three representatives of the Forgotton Force, presenting some of my customs at the Star Wars Celebration in Denver in May. Just before our show, Mr. Steve Sansweet from Lucasfilm came by and picked up this fellow. He liked him so much, he asked me to make him one! What an honor!  

Santa Yoda is made from a vintage Yoda and gimer stick, but the one difference to this second attempt was that his sack is full of Star Wars toys only -- not keeping true to Mr. McQuarrie's Christmas card, but hopefully the folks at Lucasfilm will like it! In place of a ball, a toy "Death Star" has been added, along with a Wicket "stuffed toy", a Rebel X-Wing Pilot "doll", an Imperial Tie Pilot "doll", some blasters and a blue lightsaber. Also, this time I added "sparkles" to the white trim to make it a bit more festive when the light hits it just so. 

 I hope Mr. Sansweet likes him! If you want to see some pictures from the Celebration, go here.