Yoda (14K)

Test your knowledge of the Star Wars universe from our TRIVIA BANKS:

What planet were the infamous "spice mines" located?

What was the name of the droid bounty hunter who had a
humanoid body and insectiod head?

Where did the Sarlacc live on the planet Tatooine?

What was the name of the small town near which Luke grew up?

What is the more common name for the Amanaman race?

Which model of astromech droid is a newer series -- R2 or R5?

What was the name of Lando's space yacht?

How many pieces make up the outer shell of a Stormtrooper uniform?

Bib Fortuna is a Twi'lek. What planet do Twi'leks originate from?

What was the name of the 4 year old blond human girl who was
shipwrecked on Endor in the "Ewok Adventure"?

Who was Jabba's Captain of the Skiff Guards?

What is another name for the Sandpeople of Tatooine?
BONUS QUESTION: Why were they named that?

Who is Roofoo?

What is the name of Wicket's pet Bordok in the animated Ewok series?

In Star Wars, Luke's X-Wing was designated as "Red 5".
What was it's designation in the novel?

Who was the "Emperor's Hand?"

Name Greedo's species.

Who was Ben Kenobi's brother?

What is "The Final Jump?"

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